Second Comics Week in Egypt – Exhibition by Swiss artist Barbara Mauli

Second Comics Week in Egypt
Exhibition by Swiss artist Barbara Mauli

Opening 3 February 2015 7 p.m.
The exhibition lasts from 3 to 7 November 2015.

Exhibit daily from 3pm to 9pm except Friday

Medrar will host at 7pm next Monday 2 November 2015 the opening of the second edition of “Comics Week in Egypt” which this year sees entries from Switzerland, England, Germany, and the United States as well as extensive entries by Egyptian artists.

The organization of “Sefsafa” for the second cycle of COMICS Week is part of the Foundation’s attempt to publicize this area and promote the exchange of experiences between Egyptians and Europeans on the one hand, and Egyptian artists and some others on the other, as well as the most important challenges facing COMICS art in Egypt and the prospects it presents for young people.

This week was chosen as the “art of comics and freedom of expression”, where one cannot live without the other.

This year’s cycle includes two training workshops for amateurs and professionals, two round tables on the art of “comics and freedom of expression”, one on “Independent publishing in comics”, an exhibition by artist Barbara Moyle (Switzerland) and another exhibition compiled by a number of Egyptian artists.

Egyptian artist Khaled al-Safati will be honored on the closing day for his pioneering role in promoting the field of comics in Egypt.

“Five Electronic Plays” Project Release

by Abdullah El Miniawy

Medrar for Contemporary Art is thrilled to host the launch of Abdullah Miniawy’s new project “Five Electronic Plays”. The performance includes five theatrical texts, some of which are improvised, recited in singing or as dialogues. 

Abdullah Miniawy is a poet, sufi singer, composer and scriptwriter from Fayoum. He also plays the trumpet. He performed in numerous international festivals, among them Music wel Salam in Tunisia, Free Voices Festival in France, and Ertegal in Lebanon. He also took part in many events and workshops in Egypt and with renowned artists as Kamilia Jubran.

Wednesday 17 June 2015, 8pm

Ticket: 25 L.E.

Medrar for Contemporary Art

7 Gamal El Din Abu El Mahasen St., 1st floor, apt. 4, Garden City.

Animation Film Program from Hungary – MOME ANIM

Medrar hosts a special screening program of multi-award winning Hungarian animation films, produced by MOME, the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, and curated by the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Cairo.

Tuesday 12 May, 7pm
Free entrance
Address: 7 Gamal El Din Abou El Mahasen St., 1st floor, apt. 4, Garden City
Refreshments are served.

Screening Program:
Satellite Dish/ Parabola, 2013
Péter Vácz / 01’00”
I Am Simon / Simon vagyok, 2009
Tünde Molnár / 12’00”
Paper World/ Papírvilág, 2013
László Ruska & Dávid Ringeisen / 02’39”
Hearth/ Otthon, 2012
Bálint Gelley & co-director Maja Szakadát / 5’40”
I am sorry / Sajnálom, 2011
Árpád Hermán / 03’51”
Symphony no. 42, 2014
Réka Bucsi / 10’00”
How the World Began / Hogyan keletkezett a világ?, 2013
Iván Tamás / 06’00″
The muscular princesses / Az izmos királylányok, 2009
Júlia Farkas / 05’00”
Lady with Long Hair/ Hölgy hosszú hajjal, 2012
Barbara Bakos / 10’00”
Orsolya, 2010
Bella Szederkenyi / 07’47”
Rabbit and Deer/ Nyuszi és Őz, 2014
Péter Vácz / 16’45”

Launch of “a parallel application” publication

On the occasion of launching the publication “Parallel Applications”, artists who contributed articles to Madrar for contemporary art meet on Sunday, March 29, 2015, from 6 to 9 p.m. We invite you to meet with artists to ask your questions and to get a free copy of the print.

The publication is the production of the project “Parallel Applications” by the artist Mohammed Abdul Karim. Which included a series of meetings and talks aimed at creating a theoretical climate for art practitioners, where they addressed the fundamentals of Arab philosophies and applied them by reading the artwork.

Artists Amr Elkafrawy, Alaa Abd Al-Hamid, Wissam Qurish, Ahmed Shawky of Egypt and Elias of Hungary of Tunisia participated in the project.

The publication is available for sale at Medrar.
Publication price: 10 EGP


The first offense: Kopernikus. The second offense: Darwin. The third offense: Freud himself. The fourth offense: ††. Habitually modest, team titanic invites to a two-part cooperation project with Medrar for Contemporary Art: PROFIT | PROPHET. The message is the message. A bi-urban, transcontinental exhibition- and performance-series.

Geminoid, quantified-self, object of consumerism, analysis and data. No new info: the body is more than the sum of its organs. However its surroundings are getting lighter: polypropylene, polyurethane, spandex, silicon, and 3(H)D scans are the materials of the sport and technology industries. Profit, much like biology, is based on selection and competition, investment and return. Profit is a little alchemist, that transfers immaterial goods (trust, speculation, time) to presentable formats (even more spandex, money, sculptures). CGI or synthetic organism: what difference does it make?

Prophecies are in itself not bound to the verifiable. Their messenger himself dispatches from the the non-verifiable omnipotence. Nonetheless, by utterance and medium, something concrete lies within this ‘immaterial forecast’. Prophecies exist in all religions and cultures, and fall within a long tradition in human society – not least in the economy. Mankind clings onto the prospects of tomorrow. Something vital (and mortal) yields from something as immaterial and inanimate as code.

The participating artists are asking questions of anonymity versus collectivism, (self-)marketing and future strategy, the visual and the virtual. It is a community, bound by and through local circumstances, asking similar questions. Ultimately, a condition, rather than the work, is at the fore: fleeting, dedicated to the process, and open. Before the spectator is after the spectator. This – an actual extension of the freudian triad – is the fourth offense. Less than ever, the works require on the observer or the artist as an individual with identity. This isn’t regrettable.

The title is to be understood as the basis of working together: by bringing together two cities, as the works of artists from Cairo and Berlin convene, exchange reaches a physical here and now. Prophet. The program, as a result of the encounter, can be seen as the prognosis of an already set future. Profit.

Come in and buy out.
Goldilocks, Cheeta & Schlomo

SATURDAY, 20.09.2014 | 6 PM
Exhibition Opening with:
Ahmed Shoukry (Kairo),
Peter Feiler (Berlin),
Khaled Galaledeen (Kairo),
Anne-Sophie Kneer (Berlin),
Kareem Lotfy (Kairo),
Hanne Lippard (Berlin),
Pussykrew (Berlin),
Sarah Samy (Kairo),
Islam Shabana (Kairo),
Santiago Taccetti (Berlin),
Britta Thie (Berlin),
Helga Wretman (Berlin)

Performances by:
Quit Together (Kairo),
COCKPIT (Berlin),
Soda Plains (Berlin)

SUNDAY, 20.09.2014 | 6 PM 
Panel talk with:
Quit Together,
Medrar & team titanic


Rami Abadir is collaborating with Mostafa El Sayed in a live improvisation
The mixture of analog synthesizers (no laptops), drum machines, sampling repetitive patterns creates different musical dynamics
with more focus on textures and timbres leading to a unique heavy and abrasive sound

Visual show by Islam Shabana

Grounded in the world of synth, there’s a lot to respect” about the music of Rami Abadir and Mostafa El-Sayed in terms of approach and what they’re trying to do. More importantly though, the work sounds good. There’s few things more satisfying than the double whammy of great sounding music coming from artists who stand firm on not compromising their approach. With nary a laptop in sight, the duo churn out a dense electronic cornucopia of power bass grooves and evolving beats coupled with synth chords and dissonant flourishes” by Dandin

“There was a strong and seemless dialogue between Abadir and Mostafa’s respective musics, adding a fluid and fresh element to the performance.” by Ahram Online

Watch Rami Abadir & Mostafa El-Sayed here


Medrar contributed with a musical performance of “Hysteria” for Dijit on Monday, 7/14 at 10 pm, which adds this distinguished experience as a parallel to the audio experience of “Visual Rats Lab” by Alaa Abdel Hamid.

This marked the first collaboration between Alaa and Dijit

/// hysteria ///

Images are reflected on the surfaces of mirrors and repeated infinitely if they are placed between two mirrors. They prefer to be the laws of reflection in physics, which are the same laws that regulate the movement of sound reflection and repetition and the emergence of the phenomenon of echo.

When a person’s eye and ear partially detect monotonous images and sounds with a constant rhythm, his nerves are qualified to know that there is such a thing in life as hysteria.

About the “Visual Rats Lab” exhibition, an exhibition of installation works and installations by Alaa Abdel Hamid

After cold wars were used electronically in the past until now, they have become a reference applied to thousands through audio-visual media sponsored by electronics to work to keep the public in mind and even try to include it in its ranks through repetition of words and visual messages that are stored immediately. The mind of the public. Its impact on this experience may differ from one person to another according to his inclinations and certain degree. He will either be led away, reject, or have his mind flounder between different interpretations because of the hypothesis presented to him, which differs according to the mood of its sources, or differs according to his fatigue and self-discussion.

In this experiment, Alaa Abdel Hamid worked to involve the recipients in the artistic work and created a mutual viewing experience after that, as this resulted in the works acquiring a lively quality that made them differ from one lens to another unless they mastered it, as a result of the discovery of visual experiences that depend on the laws of light reflection. On the mirrors and its bounce back to the eye.

The exhibition runs until Wednesday, July 16, 2014 from 12 to 5 p.m.

Set of Experiences: Live music & Video Art by Object Obscure & Alexandrian filmmakers

Object Obscure, or Samir Nabil, a musician from Alexandria will play his guitar loops bringing his unique sound and musical project to Cairo. During the live performance video projects inspired by his ‘Experience’ set by several filmmakers from Alexandria will be screened.

The event will take place on Thursday 27 June 2013

Filmmakers include: Emad Maher, Abdallah Sharkas, Islam Kamal, Icon and Mamoon Azmy

Listen to Object Obscure’s music here:

Screening: The Secret Capital

Medrar hosted a screening and director’s talk of ‘The Secret Capital’ a documentary film by Mokhtar Saad Shehata on 4 February.

Synopsis: Was there a revolution? Two years after the beginning of theJanuary 25 Revolution, many Egyptians ask themselves this question. The answer is not to be found on Tahrir Square, but in the villages of countryside, the secret capital of Egypt. Convinced that there only has been a revolution if it reaches the countryside there really has been a revolution, the novelist and filmmaker Mukhtar Shehata follows the struggles, hopes and frustrations among people from his home village who between February 2011 and December 2012 tried to bring the revolution to their village in northern Egypt.

Camera and sound: Samuli Schielke / Mukhtar Saad Shehata / MahrousAbdelraouf

Editing: Maged Makram

Directed and Produced by Mukhtar Saad Shehata

Live audio-visual performance

Ola Saad, Noran Sherif, Asma Azuz, Mahmoud Tariq
Four young artists from Egypt present a range of shows along the lines of different directions in the field of electronic music accompanied by visual performances.

On Saturday 19 January 2013 8 p.m.
Location: Medrar for contemporary Art
7 St. Gamal Eldin Abo ElMahasen, Garden City, First Floor

Ola Saad
Works in the field of visual and audiovisual arts from 2008
Participated in several electronic music concerts and visual arts exhibitions

Noran Sherif
Using different media such as (video, audio, drawing, photography), participated in many exhibitions inside and outside Egypt.
Interested in dual images “double exposures,” because they always have many thoughts, images and sounds swirling in their mind at the same moment, making it difficult for them to express all of this once a single image, so they find the video from one of the best means of expression. Also interested in abstract sounds and ambient sounds of different sources.

Asmaa Azouz
Bachelor of Art Education 2009 Helwan University – postgraduate master’s degree – a member of the Syndicate of Plastic Artists – works in the field of contemporary audiovisual arts, participated in several art exhibitions.

Mahmoud Tarek
Works in the electronic music field from 2010
He participated in many concerts and exhibitions, with interests in graffiti and street arts. 

Re-locating to a new space in Garden City

This month Medrar moved its activities to a newer bigger space in Garden City, near Downtown Cairo, to enable us as an organization to host exhibitions, workshops and other activities, in addition to utilizing a fully functional media lab for and Open Lab Egypt.

The opening event featured a Ramadan Sohour and live audio visual performances by Nadah El-Shazly, DIJIT, Mohamed Abdelkarim and Dia Hamed.

Our new address is: 7 Gamal Eldin Abu Elmahasen St. / Garden City / Cairo, 1st Floor No. 4

Fluttering Selfhoods

Generally this program, “Fluttering Selfhoods,” focuses on the importance of transcending to the perspective of young art practitioners on the current situation in Cairo through diverse productions of individual-low budget videos. In the program presented, narration or story telling builds up the skeleton and connects the works together, nevertheless with diverse approaches to the topic and addressing a variety of issues compiled in the contemporary Egyptian society. Dealing mainly with concerns of a merge from cultural, political and economical statuses, through questioning identity, relationships, parenthood, aggression and freedom.